Direction of light:
The direction in which the light is to the subject of the photo changes where the light highlights and shadow darkens. In order to change the main interest point of the photo or make a particular point stand out or darken, you can change the lights direction, this can also impact the depth of the image. Front lighting (or flat lighting) highlights the entire front of the subject by emitting from where the camera is positioned, however this creates the smallest depth of field as the camera doesn’t pick up the darkened shadows.
Backlighting is similar to this by also minimising the depth of the subject as the light is emitted from behind. The subject is then in the dark shadow rather than highlighted. Side lighting is where both highlight and shadow are needed to change the depth, another source of light as well as front and back lighting allows this to happen. Similar to this is top lighting where there is the same amount of highlight and shadow. Three-quarter lighting is where light is directed “toward the camera to a position between those of side lighting and front lighting.” (HUNTER, FIL BIVER, STEVEN FUQUA, PAUL, P.87-89)
Quality of light:
Quality of light is how soft or hard the light is. Hard being light emitted from a smaller light source (light bulb, sun) which casts one main shadow with visible edges that start and stop, and soft from a bigger light source (cloudy day), however the shadow has less visible edges. In a studio, soft light is achieved by using a diffuser over the spotlight and hard light is achieved from overhead lighting. Soft is often used for a more flattering portrait, whereas hard will highlight every texture and detail. (SIM, L., 2017.)
HUNTER, FIL BIVER, STEVEN FUQUA, PAUL, 2007. Light – Science & Magic. Third ed. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Inc.
SIM, L., 2017. Portrait Photography: Ten Styles with One Light [viewed 29/10/18 Available from: